A six-year-old dog named Bo, who currently lives at a shelter, is known to be very generous when it comes to giving kisses, but there is also something else about the pooch that you should know – the dog is an expert window cleaner as well. …
Gemma, the pit bull, has always acted as a big sister to Brianna’s son, Elliot. Since day one, Gemma has always been by his side. She watched him sleep and watched as Brianna would feed Elliot. Gemma wants to make sure that Elliot is always safe …
An urgent call for help came through Hope For Paws’ hotline. The reporter claims to have spotted a lonely, abandoned dog living in the streets of Los Angeles, California. Quickly, Eldad Hagar and Loreta Frankonyte responded to the scene. Once the rescuers arrived, they spotted the …