Mental courage, love, and loyalty seem to be common attributes among dogs. While science could not explain how dogs pull it off, the qualities appear especially underscored when with kids.
Picture a child, playing alone, walking alone, and eating alone. That is one too many of alone time! It doesn’t help that frazzled parents find it challenging to divide time between work, house duties, and taking care of kids.
Luckily for us, hounds are just about all the package required for a child to carry on with a healthy lifestyle. It is a lifeline for parents, and yes, we can hear that collective sigh from here.
It resembles having a guardian, buddy, and a companion all rolled into one. Does your child feel like playing? No issue, says the canine, how about we go out and fetch, or we can just run around like crazy!
Take this little canine named Dash, no more than a year old, being a true friend in every sense of the word to his human, Peyton. Handling emotions become more comfortable when a buddy shares it with you.
Jillian Marie Smith, Peyton’s mom, says she thinks that having Dash in the family as Peyton’s growing-up pal, has done wonders in their lives. She shared that when Peyton had to undergo the dreaded time-out, Dash was there to make all the difference.
The furball did it by simply being with his human pal, going through the sanction with his buddy. It is confirmation that presence counts more than words, and this fur baby shows us how to. Everyone who grew up with pets would nod in agreement.
Peyton sure is one fortunate little man to have a pet like Dash. His presence and friendship are two of the many reasons Peyton will remember Dash for when he grows up.
Image Source:@Jillian Marie Smith/Facebook